Preparing your kid for kindergarten is something that we often worried about. I remember the day when I had to send my child out to introduced with the new world. My kid was adamant about leaving him behind. He was crying out badly. Somehow I managed to leave him there with a heavy heart. When I was leaving I could not dare to turn around to see him because his teary eyes wanted me to stay back.

The process continued to happen like that for several more days. When it got set as a routine. Things began to improve with my kid. I kept on asking myself. Had I prepared my kid for kindergarten the way I wanted? No, I couldn't. Now I have realized. The child should have been prepared for that difference.

“What readiness means varies incredibly from the community to community, school to school, teacher to teacher, parent to parent, nation to nation,” says Beth Graue, Ph.D., a Professor of Early Childhood Education.

Nevertheless, the Kindergarten-readiness may vary from child to child, mother to mother, in some cases school to school and most importantly location to location. I provide you with some common thing that needs to be taking care of before sending your child to kindergarten.

1. Let Your child Away From You For A Good Duration Of Time

The home and you are the entire worlds for kids. The child needs to come out from their comfort zone. Send your child to a preschool. Where the child would be playing and sharing things with other kids.

2. Social Skills

Your child needs to be teaming up with others. Let your child ask for help while doing a task. The child should not be reluctant to share things with others. They should learn that things can be shared or exchange. A lengthy task can be finished by taking turns.

3. Instruct them 2 or 3 in 1 Instruction

Instructions like getup bring that book and readout. This will later help the child to follow instructions in kindergarten.

4. Use thoughtful words at home 

The child needs to learn a thoughtful language like please, thank you, sorry etc. Manners should be instilled in your child even before going to kindergarten.

5. Refine The Skill Of Painting And Writing

If your child develops the skill, he would be appreciated later in kindergarten. Without appreciation, it would be a difficult place to be in.

6. Basic Knowledge

Your child should be able to identify fruits, vegetables, colors and different shapes. Teach your child counting.

7. keep your child busy

Let your child learn the craft of paper by cutting it into different pieces. The craft of painting using different color can help your child to take an interest in other curriculum activity.

Apex Academy Preschool, a perfect place for every child. We Offer a learning and fun educational environment that fosters creativity and growth at North Richland Hills.


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