Dinosaurs Blog For Kids

Over 200 million years ago dinosaurs were the dominant creature of god on earth. Dinosaurs are named reptiles in the animal world. The word dinosaur implies unnerving reptile. This name was coined by Sir Richard Owen in 1842.

How Did They Look Like?
They used to look like either lizards or birds. Some had horns and spikes, while others had thick rough skin, and a few of them had quills.

Why Did They Extinct?
They were wiped out due to changes in the atmosphere. They couldn't tolerate the changing climate. Researchers hypothesize that some huge dinosaurs lived up to 300 years.

Dinosaur’s Residues
Dinosaur remains were first found in North America in 1854 by American geologist Ferdinand Vandeveer Hayden. Dinosaur residues have been found on each landmass, surprisingly in the coolest Antarctica continent as well.

Size Of Dinosaurs
It is believed that the biggest dinosaur, was about 130 to 150 feet long and up to 50 feet tall. They were of different sizes the average size of dinosaurs can be compared to the size of a car. While the smallest size of dinosaurs can be a hen shaped.

Eating Habit
They were either herbivorous or carnivorous. Most predatory dinosaurs were bipeds, which means they strolled on two feet. Strolling on two feet helped them move quicker to get their prey. Plant eating dinosaurs used to find in the groups to protect themselves from predator's attacks.

Apex Academy Preschool, a perfect place for every child. We Offer a learning and fun educational environment that fosters creativity and growth at North Richland Hills.


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